A letter from our Rector - September 2023
Dear Church of the Redeemer Family Member,
As I write this letter, we are approaching the 7th anniversary of our time working together, and I have to tell you that I have never been more excited about what is happening at Church of the Redeemer than I am right now. This community has at its center the love of God in Jesus Christ. We are nourished by this love, empowered by the knowledge that we belong to God unconditionally, and equipped by our church to share love and blessing with the world around us.
Church of the Redeemer has been and continues to be such a source of nourishment for me and for my family. We are fed by the intention, care, creativity, generosity, and humor of this church, and I know we are not alone. Nearly every day I see someone whose life is being transformed by their connection to Church of the Redeemer. During a time in our country that seems to be perpetually marked by uncertainty and division, Church of the Redeemer remains a source of stability and consistency: Our worship is lively and spirit-filled, our ministries are engaging , our mission work is impactful, our people are open and kind – and in all this we are built to deepen our relationship with God and our commitment to God’s creation.
The evidence of our impact, the nourishment of souls, is clear and measurable, as we continue to buck national church engagement trends and grow in size and energy. In just the last year our in-person worship attendance has increased by 12%, with a 15% increase in online worship attendance in the same timeframe. Our podcasts routinely reach hundreds of people weekly and connect them to this beloved community. Meanwhile, our CoR After School program brings over 200 high school students to Church of the Redeemer every week where they can get tutoring help, a snack, charge their phone, or just relax and be present with our ministers and know they belong, that they matter, that they are loved.
This is the gift we offer. People who are connected to Church of the Redeemer feel loved and cared for, challenged and energized, welcomed and nourished.
The place I personally experience that love most fully is when we worship together. When it comes time for communion and our eyes connect as the consecrated bread is shared and we are the Body of Christ. When is it for you? When are you most nourished by God’s love in this community?
I’m asking you today to reflect on this as you consider how you will commit to the Church of the Redeemer in 2024. The gift you make facilitates the blessing of our community and the spiritual nourishment of so many. You are contributing to practical ministries that are transforming lives every day. You are not paying the church back for what it is doing in your life, you are paying it forward to create opportunities for everyone who connects with our church. You are helping the church grow. You make this church what it is. You empower blessing and belonging. I thank you for your presence and care, and I invite you to make a financial commitment to Church of the Redeemer today.
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Philip Hart DeVaul †
p.s. I know that money is a sensitive subject for so many: If you have any questions, thoughts, or concerns about your pledge, I invite you to contact me directly, and I’m glad to talk things through with you.
As you make your financial commitment to Church of the Redeemer for 2024, we encourage you to do so using the CoR Portal or CoR App. On the portal you look for the Giving tab under your profile and on the app, simply click on Give. In both cases you will be able to set up a pledge as well as recurring giving for the coming year.
Giving electronically offers parishioners an easy and consistent way to make their annual commitment payments. It also benefits Church of the Redeemer with a more regular income throughout the year and reduces processing costs overall. Our online system is secure and with our electronic payment method, you can increase, decrease, or cancel your payments at any time.
If you have not yet logged into the database, visit our website at redeemer-cincy.org/giving. There you will find links to pledge and set a recurring payment. If you need assistance setting up access, please contact Nancy Schwartz, Director of Operations.
You may also choose to pay your commitment with a donation of stock. The easiest way to donate stock to the church is to have the transfer handled by your broker or the company that holds the stock in safekeeping. For full instructions visit redeemer-cincy.org/stock-donations. If this is your preferred method, please fill out the commitment section below and mail it to the church c/o Debbi Alsfelder. This will help us know your intentions and apply them to our budget for 2024.
Lastly, you may fulfill your 2024 Commitment by check. Again, if this is your preferred method, please fill out the commitment section below and mail it to the church c/o Debbi Alsfelder.
If you have any questions or need help implementing one of the options for giving above, contact Debbi Alsfelder, Finance Officer.