Dear Church of the Redeemer Family Member,
Our community is a center for transformation. The reason for that is simple: We are founded on the belief that nobody can encounter the love of God in Christ Jesus and remain unchanged. If I take seriously the idea that I truly am born from love and born for love, that I exist on purpose, that God made me intentionally to bring more love into the world, how can I possibly be unaffected? And if you believe that about yourself, and we believe it about each other, is there even a chance our lives won’t be transformed?
Of course not. And this church, this beautiful, messy gathering of people, we keep being brought together to live into that transformation, to understand that love more fully. I know you see it too, because I see the look on your face when we share communion, when we shake hands at the passing of the peace, when we sing and pray and listen and wonder together. We are embracing our ongoing transformation in the knowledge that God is at work in our midst. In our imperfection and hope God makes a home and continues to convert us to the love for which we were made.
And this conversion – yours, mine, and ours – is ongoing. It is a daily process of finding the love in our lives and of being the love in the lives of those around us. Our continued goal is to make sure that The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer serves as a source of that transformation; that our ministries may continue to help shape the way you experience God’s presence in every aspect of your life.
Your participation is essential in making this true. When you show up, when you tune in, when you connect to a ministry here and make it part of your life – you are helping to empower the Church of the Redeemer in its work of transformation. I encourage you to think about the ways in which God is transforming your life right now, making faith, hope, and love more evident to you. I encourage you to reflect upon how this church plays a part in that transformation.
And today I am asking you to reflect on this as you consider how you will commit to Church of the Redeemer in 2025. This is the time of year when we ask you to make a financial commitment for our 2025 operating budget to support the work of your church. The gift you make is a practical way in which you facilitate the blessing and transformation of your community. You are contributing to ministries that are changing lives every day. You are paying it forward to create opportunities for everyone who connects with our church. You are helping the church grow. You make this church what it is. You empower transformation. I thank you for your presence and care, and I invite you to make a financial commitment to Church of the Redeemer today.
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Philip Hart DeVaul †
p.s. I know that money is a sensitive subject for so many: If you have any questions, thoughts, or concerns about your pledge, I invite you to contact me directly, and I’m glad to talk things through with you.
As you make your financial commitment to Church of the Redeemer for 2024, we encourage you to do so using the CoR Portal or CoR App. On the portal you look for the Giving tab under your profile and on the app, simply click on Give. In both cases you will be able to set up a pledge as well as recurring giving for the coming year.
Giving electronically offers parishioners an easy and consistent way to make their annual commitment payments. It also benefits Church of the Redeemer with a more regular income throughout the year and reduces processing costs overall. Our online system is secure and with our electronic payment method, you can increase, decrease, or cancel your payments at any time.
If you have not yet logged into the database, visit our website at There you will find links to pledge and set a recurring payment. If you need assistance setting up access, please contact Nancy Schwartz, Director of Operations.
You may also choose to pay your commitment with a donation of stock. The easiest way to donate stock to the church is to have the transfer handled by your broker or the company that holds the stock in safekeeping. For full instructions visit If this is your preferred method, please fill out the commitment section below and mail it to the church c/o Debbi Alsfelder. This will help us know your intentions and apply them to our budget for 2024.
Lastly, you may fulfill your 2024 Commitment by check. Again, if this is your preferred method, please fill out the commitment section below and mail it to the church c/o Debbi Alsfelder.
If you have any questions or need help implementing one of the options for giving above, contact Debbi Alsfelder, Finance Officer.