Collection for Interfaith Hospitality Network
Since 1986, Episcopal Church of the Redeemer has partnered with the Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) to provide immediate short-term housing for our neighbors experiencing homelessness in the Cincinnati area. At this time, due to COVID-19, the organization has opted to house these neighbors in short-term rental properties rather than at places of worship, like Church of the Redeemer.
While IHN clients will not be coming to stay with us at this time, the need for the daily necessities of life remains; thus, we will be collecting these necessary items for IHN this month. This ingathering begins on Sunday, July 4 and runs through Sunday, July 25.
Supplies can be dropped off in the bins located at the parking lot/preschool entrance at Church of the Redeemer at your convenience. We will deliver collected items weekly as donations are gathered.
Supplies Needed:
Hygiene/Household (new, in package, please)
- paper towels
- gallon sized Ziploc bags
- baby wipes
- dish soap
- hand soap
- body wash
- all-purpose cleaning spray
- socks and underwear (all sizes, all genders)
- phone chargers for android and Apple devices
Non-Perishable Foods
- condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise)
- prepackaged breakfast (muffins and Pop Tarts)
- canned tuna and chicken
- microwaveable rice and macaroni and cheese cups
- individually packaged snacks (chips, cookies, cracker, pretzels, fruit cups, fruit snacks, etc.)
- hearty canned meals (Ravioli, Spaghetti O's, etc.)
Questions? Contact the Rev. Melanie W. J. Slane, Associate for Mission and Liturgy.
Thank you for your generosity.