Godspeed to the Gough Family
Brad Gough and family headed to Berkeley, California
Church of the Redeemer Friends:
I am excited to announce that my family and I will be embarking on an adventure as my family moves westward for me to attend Church Divinity School of the Pacific (CDSP) in Berkeley, California. As many of you know, I am in the discernment process for ordination to the priesthood, and I began to attend seminary remotely last year. After prayerful consideration, my wife Maggie and I decided I should switch to residential learning. Maggie is also going through the ordination process and will likely begin her seminary education while we are out West. This was a difficult decision. I will miss you all and my work at Church of the Redeemer greatly. But the Spirit led us in a way that was undeniable, and we know this is what is right for us.
Beginning in August, Hannah Teetor will take over the role of Minister for Children and Families. Since arriving at Church of the Redeemer a year ago, Hannah has impressed us with her innovation, passion, and leadership. I feel blessed to be able to leave Family Ministry in such capable hands.
Our plan is to remain in California long enough for Maggie and me to finish seminary and then return to the Diocese of Southern Ohio. Church of the Redeemer is our sponsoring parish, and we will remain intimately attached to you all in prayer, as well as returning from time to time to visit. This congregation has helped me to grow tremendously over the past six years. I am grateful to you all for your love and continued support.
Brad Gough (Coach Brad)
PLEASE NOTE: We are collecting a Love Offering for Brad, and if you’d like to contribute to that, please use the form below or mail your contribution to the attention of our Finance Officer, Debbi Alsfelder, marked “Brad.” Thank you for keeping Brad and his family in your prayers. Contribution deadline is Tuesday, July 27.
A word from our Rector, the Rev. Philip DeVaul
Brad’s decision to switch to residential study at seminary brought about such mixed feelings for me. But the overwhelming emotions were pride and affection. Pride because I’ve had the honor of walking alongside Brad over the last five years during his ongoing discernment for ordained ministry. And affection, simply because to know Brad is to love him. He is a gift, a source of light in my life and in the life of this community. There’s sadness of course because his presence and his consistently stellar work will be missed on our staff. That sadness is compounded by the fact that we will terribly miss Maggie, Ainsley, Everly, and Crosley. I hope you will take the opportunity in the near future to reach out to Brad and Maggie directly and let them know that you are grateful for their work. Likewise, I invite you to connect with Hannah Teetor as she steps into a new leadership role and offer her your support and encouragement. Of course, as Brad notes, this is not the end of our connection, as both he and Maggie are sponsored for ordination by the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, and they can count on our continued support and friendship throughout that process, and indeed for the rest of their lives. The Gough family are truly a part of us, and for this we are truly thankful.
Your friend and brother in Christ Jesus,
The Rev. Philip Hart DeVaul