IHN Bookfair
Our Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) Team along with the Rev. Melanie W. J. Slane and the Rev. Mitchell Bojarski recently spent a Sunday afternoon cleaning out and organizing our undercroft space. The undercroft (basement) is a shared space between our IHN ministry and our Youth Group (as well as the Flower Guild and Archives). This work day involved getting rid of some old, broken toys and organizing the designated storage areas. A book corner for our youngest IHN guests was also created. As part of our ongoing Becoming Beloved Community journey, the steering committee has recommended a list of diverse and inclusive children's books to fill the shelves.
Would you like to help fill the shelves? From Sunday, July 28 through Sunday, August 11 there will be a display in the narthex of some of the books, along with a printed list of all the suggested books. You can purchase a book there, take the list and purchase one later (use this link to buy books online), or make a cash donation. Please make your checks payable to Church of the Redeemer with children's books in the memo line.