New Pollinator Garden
Redeemer's Lay Weeders were given a collection of native perennial plants by the Ohio State Extension for our new Pollinator Garden located behind the church next to the main door off the parking lot. Lay Weeders, Carolyn Martin and Christy Borneman planted the garden last weekend. The native perennial plants include Goldenmane Coreopsis, Rattlesnake Master, Native Beebalm, Prairie Coneflower, Common Milkweed, Brown-eyed Susan, and Narrowleaf Mountain Mint. When the plants mature and bloom they will attract butterflies, moths, bees and other pollinators which are losing natural habitat in our area. Ohio State encourages home gardeners to plant these and other native plants such as Coneflower, Aster, Ironweed, Goldenrod, Milkweed, Blueberry and Willow to help boost our pollinator population. More information can be found at
If you are interested in serving as a Lay Weeder, contact Christy Borneman, volunteers are needed!