Youth Gathering in the Park - Sunday, October 11
YOLO Satellite Gathering
Sunday, October 11
3:00 pm
Summit Park
Welcome all High Schoolers! Church of the Redeemer’s Youth Group is now YOLO (Youth Outreach and Leadership Organization) and this fall we'll begin gathering in-person at a park near you. This week we are gathering in Summit Park, rain or shine. Bring a chair, a snack, and a beverage and gather with Coach Brad to talk about life, service, and leadership. Contact Coach Brad for details and to get on the YOLO GroupMe message.
Remember to wear your masks!
Please register for this event using the form below.
Thank you for registering for the YOLO Satellite Sunday group. We look forward to seeing you there. Please use the button below to fill out our Outside Gathering Log for each youth attending within 24 hours of the event. Thank you for observing our guidelines and rules for health and safety during your visit. We cannot and do not guarantee the absence of risk from your presence with us.YOLO Satellite Sunday Gatherings
Tags: CoR Youth (Grades 7-12)