Oct 28, 2022 |
Rector's Blog, Compared To What?
| The Rev. Philip DeVaulRector's Blog, Compared To What?
For his entire career, Bob Dylan has sought to present himself as he currently is. And that simple reality frustrates people. Because they compare him to himself. They compare him to what he used to be. They compare him to their own memory of him. And they leave scratching their heads.
And how guilty are we of this? Not with Bob Dylan – but with life! Comparing our life now to what it used to be and then being disappointed that it has changed, even though changed is all it has ever been. Growth, aging, transformation, weathering, breaking down, building back up, being affected by your own life, showing your wrinkles. Your voice changes, your heart and your mind and your beliefs and your ideals and your faith all shift. But then you compare you now to you a few years ago. You scratch your head and say why. You just aren’t like you used to be.
Life keeps happening. And, to be honest, that’s what scares us. We want that singer to sound like he sounded 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 50 years ago – like he sounded in our memories. We find some strange solace in that kind of comparison. How much ink has been spilled comparing our country now to what we once were?
The church is far from immune to this comparison. Here is how I remember church: why can’t it be like that?