Dec 16, 2022 |
Rector's Blog, When We Are Talking
| The Rev. Philip DeVaulRector's Blog, When We Are Talking
Do I always know what I believe or why? No. No I don’t. I have made a decision to be a religious Christian. Sometimes it makes sense to me and sometimes it doesn’t. For me, religion is similar to marriage in that, I don’t get to be all in only when it makes sense to me or when I feel like it. One day a long time ago I realized I believed in God and that I needed to take that seriously, and I have spent much of my life since then trying to do just that, however imperfectly. And here we are.
I remember one skeptical ex-Christian friend of mine asking me, “But how do you know for sure that you’re right?” And I surprised him by quickly answering, “Oh, I’m not sure at all.” I could be wrong about Jesus. I could be wrong about all of this. But I have decided and am still deciding to try to live my life as if there is a God and that God is Love and that Love has something to do with me. This is the best I can do.