Mar 17, 2023 |
Rector's Blog, But Through Me
| The Rev. Philip DeVaulRector's Blog, But Through Me
I know there are some Christians that think pop culture is bad, evil, maybe even demonic, and I know that they are very vocal, but most of the Christians I have known in my life have been more open. They are able to see the value of the secular alongside the spiritual. Me, I think I’m more on the radical side of things. I don’t believe anything is secular. I see Jesus all over the place.
Speaking of the Beatles, I remember when my dad slipped into a coma and I thought he was going to die. I was in California and he was in Maine, and it would be at least 24 hours before I’d be able to get to him. The only comfort I could get that day was in the George Harrison-penned Beatles song “Within You Without You.” It had long been my least favorite song on that album, but for some reason it popped up now and wouldn’t let go. It was so simple and emotionless, and I heard George intone, “You’re really only very small and life goes on within you and without you.” Should that have comforted me? I don’t know, but it did. I heard Jesus in that song that day.
I got back to Maine, and he stayed in that coma for a couple more days. Windchill made it 30 degrees below zero, and I was driving back and forth from his house to the hospital, and it was George Harrison again, this time singing, “All Things Must Pass.” I did not know if my Dad was going to live or die, but I heard this long-haired British Hindu Hippie tell me this is the way of things and I believed him. And I heard Jesus that day.