Sep 15, 2023 |
Rector's Blog, When I Became an Episcopalian - Part 3
| The Rev. Philip DeVaulRector's Blog, When I Became an Episcopalian - Part 3
" I had been taught Evil was about satanic rituals and Ouija boards and heavy metal music and people loving someone they shouldn’t. This priest changed my understanding in one fell swoop. And then she spoke passionately of Jesus. In Los Angeles. To Episcopalians. She spoke about Jesus’ clear and consistent advocacy for the love, the humanization, the belonging of all people. And she spoke of how, while she lay in the hospital healing from her wounds, Jesus healed her heart and allowed her to choose love instead of hate as she persisted in the holy work for justice and equity.
That night I sat in this space where this Christian woman connected the spiritual and the practical with articulation, where she connected the actual issues of love and mercy and equality and violence and hatred and fear with the story of how God is working in the world and where Jesus shows up.
That Sunday I showed up. I worshiped with them for the first time."
or if you can't access the link, see it here: