Dec 08, 2023 |
WLSU, We Almost Died
| The Rev. Philip DeVaulWLSU, We Almost Died
So the heater didn’t get fixed last spring. And we forgot about it because it was getting warmer. And now here we were in Late November, with a few freezing nights under our belt, and my wife’s office is generally too cold. She had been using a space heater, but we knew that could not be the solution for the next few months: That would blow up our electric bill, and of course space heaters can be dangerous. After dragging our feet for a couple weeks, my wife finally called an HVAC technician with whom we’d worked last year. Almost as an afterthought, she asked him to just check on our furnace too while he’s at our house.
The technician shows up and takes a look at our radiant heater. And it’s working. As in, nothing is wrong with it. There was no reason for us to call. It just works. It was not working before. Now it is. He shrugs and goes off to the furnace. He runs some tests, comes back upstairs and says the heat exchange is cracked on our furnace and it is blowing carbon monoxide all over the place. He says he thinks it’s just blowing outside through the exhaust, have we noticed anything inside?
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