Station 8: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem
Find Station #8: Great Hall windows (Paxton side of building)
Reader: We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.
All: Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world.
A group of women are crying out loud, walking along besides us. Jesus reaches out to comfort them. I don’t understand everything he says, but he is calm. How can he be so calm when he is about to die?
Activity on the Church Grounds
For families: Find a spot where you can look into the Great Hall. Think of a time when you came together with people you care about and people who care about you. I wonder what Jesus was thinking when his friends found him. How do you show love to the special people in your life?
For adults: Teach your Church, O Lord, to mourn the sins of which it is guilty, and to repent and forsake them; that, by your pardoning grace, the results of our iniquities may not be visited upon our children and our children’s children; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Activity at Home
For all: Read Jesus meets the Women of Jerusalem from Earnest Illustrations by Earnest Graham.
Move on to Station 9: Paxton side hills near chapel