
"I have redeemed you."

Isaiah 44:22

Our church is called Church of the Redeemer because we seek to live into the reality that in Jesus Christ, God is redeeming – saving, reclaiming, renewing – the world and all its people. We pray to be a church that participates in that redemption, helping this world become one with God through Jesus Christ.

Worship Times

On Sunday mornings join us in the Chapel at 8:00 am for Holy Eucharist, Rite I, in the Sanctuary at 9:00 am for Holy Eucharist, Rite II, with music and at 11:00 am for our Banquet Eucharist, with music, also in the Sanctuary.

At 5:00 pm on Sundays, join us in the chapel for our Celtic Eucharist.

On Wednesdays, at 6:00 pm, join us in the Chapel for Holy Eucharist, Rite II.

We invite you to any and all of our worship services!

Sunday, 8:00 am
Holy Eucharist, Rite I

Sunday, 9:00 am
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Sanctuary and Livestream

Sunday, 11:00 am
Banquet Holy Eucharist

Sunday, 5:00 pm
Celtic Holy Eucharist

Wednesday, 6:00 pm
Holy Eucharist, Rite II