Start Saving Now to Recycle or Reuse by April 27

This year for our Earth Day celebration, your Creation Care Team will be collecting items listed for reuse on The Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub website. Specifically: Binders, Corks (real not artificial), egg cartons, eyewear, fabric, garden pots (clean and dry), greeting cards, hangers, nonpower tools, office supplies, prescription bottles (labels removed) and Styrofoam.

There will not be a swap component this year. Our goal is to eliminate materials going into landfill. Please take a look at The Hub’s website

There is a wonderful video you can watch to learn more about the sorting process: Mini Hub Customer Training.

Sign-up sheets will be available to take a tour of The Hub, to have someone accompany you on your first visit to The Hub or to join the Creation Care team of volunteers.

Mark your calendars NOW and begin collecting items to bring your reuse items for collection at the church on Sunday April 27, 10:00 – 1:00.

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