Rector’s Sabbatical

We are so proud to share the good news that Church of the Redeemer is a recipient of the Lilly Endowment’s Clergy Renewal Grant. This $60,000 grant will enable our Rector, Philip DeVaul, to take a sabbatical after nearly 8 years leading this congregation and will allow us to engage in programming and discipleship opportunities that will coincide with the theme of Philip’s sabbatical time. Church of the Redeemer is one of 177 congregations across the United States selected to participate in this competitive grant program. Established by the Endowment in 2000, the program’s grants allow Christian congregations to support their pastors with the gift of extended time away from their ministerial duties and responsibilities.

Ministers whose congregations are awarded the grants use their time away from the demands of daily ministry to engage in reflection and renewal. The approach respects the “Sabbath time” concept, offering ministers a carefully considered respite that may include travel, study, rest, prayer and immersive arts and cultural experiences.

Collaborative in nature and implementation, the program allows congregations to partner with their ministers in developing experiences that address their unique renewal needs and aspirations. Recognizing that ministers’ families are subject to the stress and demands placed on pastoral leaders, the program encourages pastors to involve their families in renewal activities. Congregational needs during the minister’s renewal experience also are considered. Since the National Clergy Renewal Program’s inception, more than 3,527 congregations have participated in the program. 177 congregations receiving grants in 2023.

At Church of the Redeemer, the past few years have shown unprecedented change. Philip arrived in the fall of 2016, and we began the shared work of envisioning the next chapter of our church’s life. In 2018 we developed a Vision Statement, accompanied by a Strategic Plan that focused on refining an aging leadership structure to make us more effective in our congregational development.

In March of 2020, we closed the doors of our building and moved our entire community online because of the COVID-19 pandemic. We created robust remote ministries and found creative ways to gather online or outdoors that we had not tried before – many of which (such as livestreaming services) we’ve kept since returning to in-person gathering. Leadership through the kind of change described above has been exhausting, and Philip needs time for rest and refreshment.

As the church began to open back up, we found power in gathering around food. Our first in-person gathering at the church was an outdoor block party with a local taco truck at the front steps of the church. The response was overwhelming, and we began to see these gatherings as central to how we move forward as a church. This upcoming renewal is a natural time for us to explore hospitality and gathering around food as spiritual acts while Philip explores the same things in a way that stokes his passion.

Philip also seeks an opportunity to revisit the place of his religious conversion as an adult and has a desire to share this place with his family. This conversion took place while on a hike in Cinque Terre, Italy during his study abroad in college. He and his family will also engage in pilgrimage to other holy sites in Europe, and an exploration of the foods and meals that are valued there. While this will be both restful and inspiring for Philip and his family, it will also give us a chance as a community to explore what inspires us and where we have seen God actively at work in our lives.

The Vestry and Philip have designed a plan that will allow us to fulfill our collective goals of a “Nourished by Love,” renewal through a scheduled itinerary rich in immersive experiences and rest. The planned time of renewal will begin on April 15, 2024, and will last until August 6, 2024. The renewal time will alternate between times of rest and recreation, times of reflection, and times of hands-on learning.

Aligning our activities with Philip’s will be an important way to understand more deeply what this time of rest and renewal is all about, enabling us to walk alongside him in spirit while being miles away from each other.

“Pastors play an important role in nourishing the spiritual lives of individuals and in guiding the work of the Christian congregations they serve,” said Christopher L. Coble, the Endowment’s vice president for religion. “Through these grants, we seek to honor pastors for their extraordinary service and enable them to engage in a brief period of rest and renewal. We have learned that such experiences invigorate the leadership of pastors and bring new vitality to their congregations as well.”

Dr. Robert Saler, director of the Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Programs, noted that the National Clergy Renewal Program integrates key attributes of healthy congregations, including a mutual respect for the renewal needs of both ministers and the congregations they serve. “The program provides an opportunity for congregations to express appreciation for their ministers’ service and leadership,” Saler said. “At a time when leaders are often praised for their pace of innovation and productivity, the National Clergy Renewal Program pays homage to the timeless wisdom embedded in the practice of reflection and renewal.”

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