Church of the Redeemer
What We Believe
We strive to remember and lean into the depth and the width and the breadth of the Love that God has for us. God’s Love is the heart of the community, the center of the Church, and the message of the Cross. Love for our God, Love for our neighbor and Love for ourselves will pour out of us when we tap into the love that God has for us.

Together we seek to know Christ and make Christ known. We seek to be rooted and grounded in the Love and Grace of God that is in Christ Jesus, to preach Christ Crucified with our feet and hands as much as with our mouths, to live sacramental lives, and to engage with each other and our neighbors practically, with love in our hearts.
Church of the Redeemer is an Episcopal Church. This means that we worship and pray alongside 2 million other Episcopalians in America, and over 85 million Anglican Christians worldwide. This also means that we consider all sorts of people our sisters and brothers – not just the ones who go to our kind of Church or who worship or pray or believe exactly the way we do. This also means that we see ourselves in many ways as both Catholic and Protestant, and if you’re not sure where you fit on that spectrum, you’d probably fit in fine with us.
This also means that we try to focus less on our differences than on our common belovedness and faith in Jesus Christ. This also means that whoever you are and whatever you believe or don’t believe, you are always welcome. But most of all it means that we believe we are all loved by God in Jesus Christ. All of us. And we try to come together on a regular basis, soak up that Love, and figure out how to spread God’s Love and Grace to the world in which we live in real ways.
Our church is called Church of the Redeemer because we seek to live into the reality that in Jesus Christ, God is redeeming – saving, reclaiming, renewing – the world and all its people. We pray to be a church that participates in that redemption, helping this world become one with God through Jesus Christ.
We have a vision of a worshiping community that knows Jesus and grows in love:
united in relationships of holy connection and communion;
growing with people of every age, race, gender, sexual orientation,
socioeconomic situation and political persuasion;
inspired by our understanding of why we are Christian,
why we are Episcopalian, why Redeemer matters to us;
sent into the world, rooted and grounded in love, to serve all people
with humility, compassion and faithfulness.