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First Step Home Santa Shop
On Fulton Avenue, in Walnut Hills, there is a campus setting substance abuse treatment center for women known as First Step Home (FSH). Church of

WLSU: After The Thing
This blog is also available as a podcast I wonder what happened the next time Lazarus got a bad cough. You remember Lazarus. He was

Giving Tree 2024
As in years past, Church of the Redeemer will provide an opportunity for outreach with the Madison Villa Christmas Giving Tree. From December 1 – 15,

WLSU: Don’t Let Go
This blog is also available as a podcast 11 years ago my family and I walked into a theater and watched what would become one

Did You Know about our class for 2 year old children?
Did you know that Redeemer has restarted our class for 2-year olds during the 10am Education Hour? Any families with a child in the 2

WLSU: Work Hard. Be Kind
This blog is also available as a podcast For the last few years I’ve had the privilege of driving my daughter to school most days.

Mini Meac Donation Closet
Donate to our Monthly Drive for essential needs at Madisonville Education & Assistance Center. Each month we will focus on one or two items from

WLSU: The Days After
This blog is also available as a podcast Well, this is the last blog I will publish before the election. I am aware that nothing

WLSU: Believing Now
This blog is also available as a podcast The text message hit my phone at exactly 7am last Sunday. This is not the most unusual thing. Anny often texts

WLSU: Your Voice, Your Place
This blog is also available as a podcast There’s a story in the Bible about a woman grabbing onto the hem of Jesus’ garment as he’s walking through a crowd and it heals

WLSU: Unwelcome Beliefs
This blog is also available as a podcast There’s a story about when the Dean of my seminary was interviewing for the job. He’d gotten

WLSU: Permission to Disagree
This blog is also available as a podcast “So are there other Republicans at the church?” he asked me. And I laughed. I laughed because