WLSU: Love and Death
This blog is also available as a podcast The story goes that Valentine was a clergy person in the Roman Empire during one of the
This blog is also available as a podcast The story goes that Valentine was a clergy person in the Roman Empire during one of the
This blog is also available as a podcast In my first parish job, my rector told me it takes audacity and humility to be a
This blog is also available as a podcast I want to be kind. I want to be kind today, to be kind tomorrow, to be
This blog is also available as a podcast In November of 1984 my parents threw an Election Night party. I still remember the little elephants on the cocktail
This blog is also available as a podcast Christians often misunderstand the point of the biblical prophets. We’ve been doing this for centuries. We act as if their primary purpose is predicting
This blog is also available as a podcast I once heard a story about Desmond Tutu, and I’m not sure if it’s true, but I’m going to tell it to you
This blog is also available as a podcast It’s worth noting that Jesus didn’t always like his job. This is well-documented. And I’m not talking about when Jesus slipped away from