Club CoR
(Grades 1-4)
During Sunday morning Education hour at 10AM, 1st-4th grade children are invited to join Club CoR! The mission of Club CoR is to build relationships with other children, learn the stories of God and the people of God, and learn what it looks like to use our gifts in service to others. Led by Mr. Tommy, we share stories, play games, watch videos, learn prayers, and even do scavenger hunts around the building as we challenge our brains and deepen our faith and understanding of God. We follow a familiar lesson plan with team-building games and a BIG IDEA as we dig into the topic of the week, concluding with the infamous Irrelevant Video of the Week. We are always in need of parents that would like to participate as helpers, facilitating games, or sharing a snack when safe to do so.

If you are looking for more information about the program or volunteering, email Tommy Kirk, Minister for Preschool & Elementary Discipleship.