Church of the Redeemer
Mission Ministry
The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer is a worshiping community sent into the world, rooted and grounded in love to serve all people with humility, compassion, and faithfulness.
Together, we equip modern missionaries with the tools to understand the past as they move into the future as reconcilers within our community.

Through educational forums and facilitated learning, our parish ambassadors venture into their homes, neighborhoods, and places of employment seeking to heal and restore our community through personal relationship, advocacy, and critical questioning of injustice in our society.
Church of the Redeemer seeks to serve as reconcilers in many and varied forms through our parishioners, and as a collective whole we focus our parish efforts on affordable and sustainable housing in our surrounding area. As a people who seek to know Jesus and grow in love, we believe that safe and affordable housing is a human right that should be attainable for all of God’s children. Find out more by attending Mission Minded, a monthly forum that celebrates and challenges our work in the wider community.
There are many ways to serve with Church of the Redeemer. Through volunteerism, education, and financial support, we are building relationships that strengthen and heal our community. Use the buttons on the right to learn more about these options and join us in Mission today.