When and how did you know it was your calling to become a priest?
I first experienced the call to the priesthood in the mid-1980s. At that time, I had been in spiritual direction for a number of years and had been keeping a spiritual journal. I showed up for spiritual direction one day wanting to talk about a desire to explore a different path for my work than my corporate role in marketing. My spiritual director raised the question, had I ever considered the priesthood, and I said “no”. I had never conceived of that as even a possibility, and yet I felt such an intense joy at the very thought of it.
My spiritual director encouraged me to go back through my journals and see if there was any suggestion of that call in the writing I had been doing over recent years. When I did that, I saw a longing and sense of call on page after page. I did enter the discernment process for the priesthood at that time and later became a postulant, but after several years I stepped aside, feeling overwhelmed by a number of life circumstances. While I immediately regretted that decision, I was counseled to stay out of the process until a time I might be certain of my ability to move forward.
Over all the intervening years, I never lost that sense of call although at times it was difficult to discern any pathway. Decades later, while I was in supervision to become a spiritual director, that experience of call to the priesthood overwhelmed my resistance and feelings of failure over not moving forward initially. When a friend asked me, “What if this has always been about timing, and the time for you is now?” – I felt enormous relief. When she asked, “How would you feel if you simply said ‘Yes’?” – the pure joy was indescribable. I entered the discernment and ordination process anew, and was ordained as a priest in 2014.
Anything you would like people to know about your family?
My roots are in Cincinnati, yet my family is fairly widespread. My son Brooks (known by many at Redeemer as Ryan) lives in Utah with his wife Susana, six-year old daughter Elia, and dogs Zurich and Sosa. My devoted housemate here is SweetP, thought to be a dachshund/lab mix. My siblings live in Atlanta and Boca Raton, Fl.
Where did you go to school?
Locally, I attended Walnut Hills High School and graduated from The College Preparatory School, now part of Seven Hills. I received my Bachelor degree from Western College, a Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling from the Athenaeum, and a Master of Divinity from Bexley/Seabury Seminary.
How did you come to be at Redeemer?
My neighbors, Linda and Andrew Jergens invited me to their anniversary celebration and seated me next to Jim Hanisian, who was then the rector at Redeemer. After a very free flowing dinner conversation, I was curious as to what Jim might preach from the pulpit and asked Linda to let me know the next time he was scheduled. That first Sunday at Redeemer marked the beginning of a journey I might never have imagined and that would change the direction of my life.
What’s the best thing about being a Christian?
Being in community united by Christ’s love. Knowing we are loved and are called to love God and one-another. Knowing God is with us and we never walk alone.
What are your favorite restaurants in Cincinnati?
I enjoy small neighborhood restaurants offering good food and drink and a relaxing time for visits with friends. Café Mediterranean, Bangkok Bistro, Wild Ginger, Arthur’s, Bronte’s, and Dewey’s are some of my local favorites.
What’s your favorite place in the world?
My favorite place is the Isle of Iona, in the Inner Hebrides off the western coast of Scotland. I’ve only been there once but hope very much to return. Other favorites include Ireland, Italy, Peru and New Mexico. Salt Lake City has become a favorite because my family is there.
Any pets?
See Family
How do you spend your days off?
My schedule at Redeemer is halftime. I also work on contract for Christ Church Cathedral facilitating their Premarital Counseling program, and independently I offer spiritual direction and quiet days through the Cathedral Center for Spirituality. In my time off, I enjoy reading, writing, gardening, hiking, times of solitude at home with my dog, SweetP, and relaxing times with friends.
What’s a personal project you can’t wait to finish/start?
The project I want to start and finish is clearing space for an art studio at home.
What was your first job?
My first job was when I was in high school and taught “Tadpoles” how to swim at the YMCA. It was six back-to-back classes in an in-door pool. I still can almost smell the chlorine.
What’s your prized possession?
My prized possessions are anything my son or granddaughter have made for me.
What’s a time when you felt close to God?
I feel God’s presence very deeply when I’m sitting with someone in great difficulty and am able to know and share the comfort that God is with us and will guide us. I also feel the presence of the Holy Spirit very much during the Eucharist.
What would you like to say to the people of Redeemer?
I love being at Redeemer. I am so grateful to God to be able to serve as a priest in this wonderful place and do ministry along-side parishioners, lay-leaders, staff and clergy who I love and who inspire me everyday.