The Way of Love: Bless

Share faith and unselfishly give and serve

“Freely you have received; freely give.” – Matthew 10:8

“Celebrant: Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ?
People: We will, with God’s help.” – Book of Common Prayer, p. 305

Jesus called his disciples to give, forgive, teach, and heal in his name. We are empowered by the Spirit to bless everyone we meet, practicing generosity and compassion and proclaiming the Good News of God in Christ with hopeful words and selfless actions. We can share our stories of blessing and invite others to The Way of Love.

For Reflection and Discernment

  • What are the ways the Spirit is calling you to bless others?
  • How will (or does) blessing others – through sharing your resources, faith, and story – become part of your daily life?
  • Who will join you in committing to the practice of blessing others?

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